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      About Kourtney

      “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” -Dolly Parton

      Every time I see Dolly Parton, I smile, and I cry. There is just something so strong and so pure about her, I can’t help but be captivated. And every time I see Dolly, I’m reminded that I’m doing everything right.

      It doesn’t particularly matter if you’re a Dolly devotee or not, but I think we can all appreciate a woman who has known exactly who she is for seventy years, and shown up exactly as herself, completely unapologetically, for every one of those years, without fail. And despite a few(-ish) fake parts, there is absolutely nothing fake about Dolly. That’s something exceedingly rare in this world, no matter what generation you may be a part of.

      It’s taken me a lot longer than Miss Dolly to find out who I am. And it’s taken even longer to do it on purpose. But now that I know, and now that I do, my life is unquestionably everything I want it to be.

      My passion is helping other women to create their own solid sense of self – in body, life, and business.

      To support them as they set their own expectations, redefine their rules, and figure out exactly who they are and what matters most to them – and then take action to get it. It’s a heck of a process (I’ve been through it!), but there’s nothing better than knowing you never have to question who you are or what you’re doing, ever again.

      Rhinestones or not, we’re here to conquer the world.

      Uncover. Unlearn. Unleash.


      Fun facts:
      • I somehow ended up with my literal dream boyfriend. The one with the cute smile and perfect beard, who communicates well, talks about feelings, goes to therapy, and lifts weights as much as I do. *insert heart eyes emoji here*
      • I’m a cat lover at heart, though I also love dogs, and have been known to tame even the most threatening of beasts (Hi, Jorge the Chihuahua!).
      • I’m a pure Colorado girl (got here as soon as I could!), and will spend all four seasons walking up and down mountains and through the woods – got there in my Subaru with my labradoodle, of course.
      • I’m a cake fiend, and wholeheartedly believe it never needs an occasion.
      • I’m a hugger, but I’ve got a killer handshake that always catches people off guard.
      • I’m a book nerd through and through, with a bias toward romcoms and fantasy.
      • I’m a total gym rat, and I will lift arm day every day of the week if left to my own devices. #bigarmsbiglife
      • I’m a voracious learner, and that can mean anything from social justice to creative writing.
      And in case you’re wondering:

      I really do have the big arms covered. I completed my personal training certification through ACSM, followed that up with an endurance running coaching certification through the RRCA, and then became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA (ahem, with distinction), where I’m also a member of the National Women’s Committee. I also hold certifications in Concurrent Hybrid Performance Coaching, Spinning, TRX, and ViPR Training.

      You can check out a sampling of articles I’ve been featured in, podcasts I’ve guested on, and speaking engagements I’ve done here.

      Coaching can be daunting, so let’s ditch that and just talk about what you need.

      Book your (completely free) call to see how this feels in your guts.

      UNLEASH YOUR MORE. Snag your FREE 18-page workbook now!