Oh, hi! Welcome to the now apparently biannual book list post! Sheesh. Y’all. What a year. I’ve been saying that over and over every quarter for the last two-ish years, [...]

Uncover + unlearn the B.S. stories you’ve been carrying around for decades and finally come home to yourself.
No matter where you’re at in your job, move forward with career stuff confidently. Solid footing. Clear head. Can’t lose.
Make most of your movement, so every second moves you closer to creating a body and life you’re wildly in love with.
We’re flooded with noise about the RIGHT way to constantly maximize success, happiness, and health — all the time, always.
But the RIGHT way is whatever way works best for you. End of story.
Together, we dig elbows-deep into the thrumming hum of electricity that drives you so we can figure out how you want to feel — and then craft a plan to make it happen.
I’ve worked with hundreds of women, helping them realize that these limits we’ve set for ourselves are nothing but fluffy lies.
We are capable of moving mountains, unwedging our worried minds, and changing our worlds — in body, life, and business.
It all starts with a quick little call with me.
(It’s free, obviously.)
When we work together, you can always expect transparent honesty that’s delivered with a dose of complete understanding. (I’ve been there, after all. More than once.)
I say what I mean — without being mean. I talk straight, cut through the junk, and bring up the hard stuff so we can crack your fears wide open.
Moving past the shiny surface is where the magic really happens, and I’m here the whole time to help you adventure through your failures, frustrations, and big fancy goals.
I’ve got you.
And that’s a promise.
Oh, hi! Welcome to the now apparently biannual book list post! Sheesh. Y’all. What a year. I’ve been saying that over and over every quarter for the last two-ish years, [...]
Book your (completely free) call to see how this feels in your guts.