Feel like you’ve got a million things on your plate, along with a million hopes and dreams, and no way to sort it all out?
I get that.
You would absolutely not be alone if you were to tell me you felt a little lost and wanted – needed – more clarity and direction in your life. And you definitely wouldn’t be the only one who’s out there struggling through it on your own, wishing for a little support and guidance on how to break things down, and motivation for next steps.
Not to brag, but that’s my specialty.
Join me for The Get it Sorted Session and find your direction.
In this safe space for women, free of judgment and full of understanding, we will work through major topics relating to body image, self-image, and what’s holding us back from living our most free and genuine life. You will walk away feeling in clear control, with tools and framework to set goals and take action on the priorities that matter most to you.
Above all, you will gain confidence in your choices. You will learn exactly what happy and healthy means for you, and how to make that a reality, on your terms.
A sampling of what we’ll cover:
- Breaking down conditioning and messaging we have received as women, and how that relates to our self-image
- Discussing the connection between physical confidence and confidence everywhere else
- Connecting our personal conditioning to our lived reality and how it manifests itself daily
- Looking at our meaning for exercise, health, and wellness
- Uncovering our stories and narratives
- Exploring our shoulds, fears, and permission
- Pinpointing what’s holding us back
- Articulating our values
- Determining our priorities
- Defining one next step
- Tools for change and confident decision-making
All that might sound like a lot for one workshop. And, well, it is.
I can tell you that it’s covered in a way that will land, make sense, and actually be usable and applicable for you going forward. The Get it Sorted Session is a big day that’s meant to give you some big stuff to take away.
I can also tell you with confidence that all of the women who have attended the workshop previously gave rave reviews and have implemented the ideas, knowledge, and tools they learned in the workshop in their daily lives. (Their feedback is listed below.)
I’ll also be clear and say that while the Session covers a lot, it can’t cover everything, and there might be parts that deserve a more in-depth look. Even a full day of this work can be exhausting and overwhelming. So yeah, if someone wants to continue down that road with more support, I’m available. But so we’re on the same page, this isn’t just an intro.
Each of the points above (and honestly, quite a few more that I didn’t put in the description!) get actively covered in the workshop through a unique combination of different activities and brainstorming, discussions (as a group and in pairs), individual reflection time and on-your-own worksheets (which you can take with you and re-use), and bits of time of me talking.

It all works together to make for a really special day.
The Get it Sorted Session can be facilitated as a full-day workshop (6 hours, including coffee, water, and lunch), or in a 3-week format (three 90-minute sessions, three consecutive weeks). To keep the group engaged and intimate, space is very limited.
So, are you in for sorting it out?
Stay tuned for the next Get it Sorted Session, or contact me to schedule one for your group!
People say:
“I gained confidence in my abilities, and in my own decision making. You set me on a path of being in tune with who I am. You provided a safe place for me to reveal my true self.”
“This workshop was SO. MUCH. MORE. than I came here for! I’ve been challenged to think outside of all the boxes the world says you have to be in.”
“I am much better at assessing my current obligations and goals, prioritizing what is most important for a given period of time, and really focusing on those goals – without the guilt from what I am putting on the back burner since I know I can always make it a priority in the future.”
“The workshop was amazing. I spent pretty much the last 8 years of my life choosing by not choosing, and it resulted in so many bad things and nearly ruined my marriage. I wish I had met you earlier, but I probably wouldn’t have been ready to do the work until now.”