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      When you’re feeling unsettled.

      feeling unsettled | kourtney thomas self-discovery life coach denver

      In my weekly team sync at work, we usually open up with a “how are you showing up today?” prompt. I was all prepared yesterday with mine. I knew exactly how I was feeling:


      Funny enough, we didn’t do that prompt yesterday, because of course we didn’t. And it just left me feeling even more unsettled.

      It led me to vent to a coworker. And then to have a really open and much-needed for both of us conversation with another coworker later in the day. I shared more with my husband after work. I prayed before bed. And finally, finally, I started to feel more settled.

      Of course, that could certainly all change by noon. 🙄

      I’m generally a pretty grounded person. Even when I’m off in the butterflies and clouds, there’s an element of grounding I feel in who I am and what I know to be true. Feeling unsettled is unusual for me, and it’s probably one of the only times I’m actually uncomfortable in a way I struggle to deal with. I don’t like this feeling. It’s not fun.

      But there’s something to it. Because there always is! One more way to experience life and growth and self-discovery and resilience. One more way to force myself to be present when that feels hard AF. One more way to practice self-compassion. One more way to tap into my true Self and to trust Her.

      I managed to do a little bit of all of those things in the last twelve hours, and today, I feel unsettled, but far less so. I released, I took a breath, I reflected on what kind of mindset I wanted to take into today and next week. I also visualized how I want to feel and how I want to show up, no matter the situation. Ultimately, that meant reminding myself of my values, to align with them, and that as long as I choose to do that, I will be okay. Truly. It’s important. Now, I feel more grounded in myself, and I feel more ready.

      If you’re feeling unsettled, take one breath. My husband reminded me the other day that that takes three seconds, and you can reset a lot of your brain patterns in that space of three seconds.

      Take one deep breath.

      Let your attention flow to where you’re feeling unsettled. Why is that happening? What’s the impetus? Keep tracing – what value is that bumping up against? Where’s the friction? How can you creep one step closer to releasing the friction and aligning with the value? Send yourself a message of self-trust. Let yourself float closer to the ground.

      You will be okay.

      If you’re feeling unsettled and a deep breath isn’t cutting it, reach out or schedule a call below. I’m taking two coaching clients this month, and I can help. If you’re looking for more weekly tips, sign up to get them direct to your inbox.

      what to do when you're feeling unsettled | kourtney thomas self-discovery life coach

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