When I first started my coaching and training business, I had a dozen clients who all had a version of the same goal:
Get summer ready.
For some, it was losing fat. Some, getting stronger. For most of them, it was feeling comfortable dressing in a certain way or wearing a certain piece of clothing. 90% of these clients wouldn’t wear shorts in the 90 degree, 90% humidity, sticky-ass (literally) heat of summer in St. Louis.
By mid-summer? Every single one of them had met their goal and was flaunting around in shorts/their swimsuit of choice/mad freaking confidence.
I doubt I have to tell you that for most of those clients, that had little to do with losing fat. Sure, some of them did achieve some body composition changes.
But a summer body isn’t actually about the body. It’s about the mindset. That’s the real achievement.
More than a decade later, and I’m still successfully helping folks achieve that summer ready goal. If it’s on your goals list right now? I want to help you achieve it too.
The Boost your body love event is happening this week.
In four days (Yes, seriously, just four days. I’ve got this down to a science, y’all.), you’ll learn all the tools you need to get that summer ready mindset for real.
No wild workouts. No difficult diets. And no other BS. Only what you need to know, only what actually works.
- The event is happening May 18-21 (extra bonus starts tomorrow!)
- But it’s not live, so you can totally sign up and save the emails and lessons for anytime you have the bandwidth.
- It’s 4 mini-workshops – less than 10 minutes each – delivered to your email every morning (I know! So short for me!)
- You get a video to watch/listen to, a quick daily assignment, a robust workbook at the end, a BYBL Slack channel, and a private Q&A session with me on Friday
- The workshop topics are about cultivating Respect, Care, Joy, and Authority
- Sneak preview just for you – in those first two workshops, I’ll be digging into self-talk and self-compassion
Sign up here, or by clicking the image below.
And tell your friends. I know we’ve all had conversations recently with someone about weight, food, fitness, bodies, or clothes. This is an excellent thing to incorporate into that conversation. Share a link, share a post, share this blog.
Share the summer ready love.
See you soon to get summer ready!
I’m really proud of this workshop series. It’s not fluff, it’s not a big tease. It’s super freaking useful, and applicable to all of us, no matter how fine we think we are. Sign up. If anything, save it for another summer, or use it as a learning tool for the girls or young women in your life.