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      I don’t love the word stuck, but here we are.

      what will you come back to | kourtney thomas

      There are few buzzwords I put almost instantly into the category of “please stop!” level annoying.





      And I also feel kind of sad about my reaction here, because there is nothing inherently wrong or bad about any of these words. They’re actually beautiful and accurate descriptors in a lot of ways and for a lot of people – which is why they are so buzzy. It’s just that they’re overplayed, like any good 90s pop song. (, anyone?)

      Stuck, particularly, is increasingly relevant these days. (No matter how annoying it is to hear over and over again.) We’re literally stuck – inside the house. We might be physically stuck. Many of us are feeling emotionally and mentally stuck. Perhaps professionally stuck. There are, of course, a million ways that feeling can play out in our lives, and no matter how it does, it #sucks.

      One of the most interesting and powerful ways the pandemic has played into the stuck conversation is with identity. As in, affording us the unique opportunity – in some cases, forced opportunity – to reflect on it explicitly.

      To boil that down: Who are we really? And who do we want to be in this world?

      A lot of us hold multiple identities, and that’s the part that may have come into stark relief in the last year. If you’ve identified with your job, for instance, and you’ve lost it this year…now what? If you’ve identified as a marathon runner, and every race has been cancelled…now what? If you’ve identified as a partner, and your relationship has ended…now what?

      Those are super tough reflections, and ones that often leave us, well, stuck. Frustrated, confused, maybe even a little annoyed that we’re not sure how to move forward and #getunstuck.

      I’m not even going to lie – I have absolutely been struggling with the question of professional identity, and beyond that, some stuckness in the actual work, business, job part of that identity. As an entrepreneur, that can be pretty common, but it’s been intense in the last couple of months. One day to the next, I’m positive is what I’m supposed to be doing, and then I’m positively certain it’s time to quit and get a real job.

      I do a lot of praying about it. Naturally, the most recent sermon series at my church has been about work and identity and calling and vocation, which is both helpful and challenging. I also meditate, just try to listen. I’m paying attention to signs and signals and people and things outside myself. My gut, my intuition, and all of my various energies and charts too.

      So when I got an email a few weeks ago from a total stranger inviting me into an interview for a virtual event, my interest was piqued. I don’t normally tend to say yes to that kind of stuff with people I don’t know in at least some capacity, but something about this felt aligned. Like:

      “For the first time in our lives, we are living in a world without a guidebook. There’s this absolute sense of unknowing and uncertainty of what is going to happen to us and what the future holds. Many of us are lost. Many of us don’t feel like we have any control over our lives. I don’t have to tell you what such a feeling of powerlessness and lack of control can do to a person’s mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. But what would happen, if we had help?

      This is why I’m bringing together leaders like you to share their voices on how people can navigate these unpredictable times, be the best versions of themselves, and live the life that they truly want.”

      Aaaand that’s when I said YES.

      Funny enough, I set up a meeting with the host of this event, , and learned right away that his partner, , and I had already connected previously about a summit she’s doing next month! (More to come on that soon!) I mean, if that wasn’t another reason to say yes to this kind of energy in the world, I don’t know what is. Community, for the win! These are good people.

      I also learned that Kalond is helping people #getunstuck as an astrologer, and a True Astrologer at that, which is completely different than traditional astrology. He was a stage actor, a performer (as was Rose), which meant that his 15-year career came to an abrupt and unexpected end last year. He knew the identity crisis feeling, and the stuckness that comes with it. That inspired the transition into astrology, and the motivation to serve others through this virtual event.

      In case you’re wondering or, frankly, already checking out about this, I want to be clear that this is a really different kind of thing. I know there are 4,278 different virtual summits and events out there right now, the majority (but of course, not all) of them, a thinly veiled marketing ploy to grow email lists. This is not that. Seriously. It’s unconventional, interesting, and fascinating. I promise, you will not sit through a webinar of material you already know and a ten-minute pitch for a product or service.

      For a preview, Kalond read my True Astrology chart and our interview walked through my Sun Sign, Ascendant, and Mars, which represent purpose, path, and passion, respectively. I am not going to give this away, but it honestly blew me completely away. It gave me a crapload of insight into my #stuck feelings and identity crisis around work. It could do the same for you.

      is called “Unlock Your Destiny: Scientifically Proven Methods to Create Your Legacy,” and while that may be a title that makes you squint your skeptical eyeballs, just maybe take that part with a grain of salt and trust me and come for the content.

      If answers and #clarity are what you seek right now, this is a thing that will help you find them.

      My interview will be the first to air on Monday, March 8, followed by a number of other equally interesting and helpful folks throughout the week. , and the videos will be emailed to you directly when they air. There’s also a Facebook component, if you have thoughts or questions live. And, of course, you’re welcome to hit me up directly with questions too.

      The world is weird right now, and I know we’re all getting a little tired of the weirdness and everything it brings with it, liiiiiiiike virtual events. I feel it too. But you know me, and I hope you know I take this relationship we have extremely seriously, and I would never waste your time with something gross. (For instance, in the same week I said yes to this event, I said NO to one that was gross. Yuck.) Truly, I believe that checking out (#vulnerable #authentic) will actually be a great use of your time and supportive in sorting out some of the questions you’re asking right now.

      Check it out Monday.

      OK, if you really don’t want in on this interview, but you really do feel #stuck and want to get #unstuck, let’s do something about it. Email me and let me know where you feel stuck. If I can help, I will. To learn about future events and ways to get #unstuck, sign up here for weekly emails.

      Coaching can be daunting, so let’s ditch that and just talk about what you need.

      Book your (completely free) call to see how this feels in your guts.

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