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      3 powerful reasons to listen to this powerful new podcast.

      peaceful power podcast | kourtney thomas fitness life coach

      Heyyyy! How’s your week going? How’s your heart doing?

      I’m really asking, so don’t be shy about responding, OK? (See point number one below for reference.)

      I’m having a pretty decent week, made so much better by a surprise update in my inbox early this morning that a new podcast I recorded a while back is up!


      I’ve been on a recording streak for the past couple months, with only a vague idea of future release dates. is one I’ve been waiting (im)patiently for and really looking forward to, so I’m excited to share it with you for a few reasons.

      First of all, the opportunity to guest on this podcast came through a mutual , and speaks yet again to the power of true connection and community and building actual relationships with people you care about. Life is all about relationship. Don’t forget it.

      Second, I’ve been talking about seasonality for years, and the host of this podcast, Andrea, is the most knowledgeable and supportive coach I’ve found in that area. We connected prior to recording (for, like, 90 minutes, and we could’ve talked even longer) and I instantly loved her and her kind approach and thoughtful perspective. I’ve been sharing her with clients for a couple months now, and I hope you’ll check her out after you listen to the podcast.

      Third, holy mama, did we have a great podcast conversation! We talk about diet culture and weight bias and body bashing talk and really getting down to the big whys of losing weight or . We talk about keys to . We talk about stepping away from social media and how it can work for business owners too. And I invite you into a one-week challenge. (It’s a good one, promise.)

      If you’ve been looking for a great new podcast, definitely subscribe to the Peaceful Power Podcast. And if you haven’t, well, listen to this episode anyway. I know you’ll enjoy it and take away some great tidbits.

      (Or listen/subscribe on , , or anywhere you listen to podcasts.)

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      Coaching can be daunting, so let’s ditch that and just talk about what you need.

      Book your (completely free) call to see how this feels in your guts.

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