There are only three more days left to sign up for Fitness Unraveled, and even though I’ve been talking about it for three days already, I know how that can go. Information overload much?
So, if you’re anything like me, maybe you’re thinking about this, but you’ve got questions. Cool, I got u.
I can’t put my finger on whether this is a fit. Should I do Fitness Unraveled?
I’m absolutely the last person who’s going to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. But if you’re feeling like you just cannot seem to figure out your fitness, and like you just don’t feel at home in your body, those are good signs it’s a fit. Other indicators FU might be right for you: you’re fed up with diets and fitness industry BS but don’t know where to go from here, you avoid looking at your body in the mirror, you’re often comparing yourself to others or a past you, you’re all up in your head with a bunch of mental blocks, or you’re feeling generally unmotivated.
What exactly is included in the program?
Glad you asked! Your four months will include:
- Private Slack group access (note: the group has moved off Facebook. I REPEAT: NO FACEBOOK! Wahoo!)
- Daily group coaching with me via Slack group discussion prompts
- Two books sent to your doorstep (and maaaaaybe more goodies, you never know)
- Weekly downloadable Reflections worksheets (delivered via Shared dropbox)
- Personalized coaching and individual responses to completed Reflections worksheets
- Weekly video interaction – alternating between video micro-coaching sessions with me and interactive Zoom happy hours & coaching sessions with the group
- One individual coaching call with me
- All resources and group access yours to keep forever
That sounds like…a lot…how much time will that take?
Well, all that uncovering and unlearning of a lifetime of fitness BS is kind of a lot. Each person’s experience is a bit different, but most folks recommend setting aside several hours a week, broken up however that works for your schedule. A few minutes a day to reflect and respond to daily Slack prompts. Plus/minus an hour or two for worksheets. Zoom time. It’s a commitment, but it is completely manageable and worth your time. (So you get an idea – I took feedback from previous participants into account and extended the program from three to four months to accommodate the time factor. Previously, the work might require a good 6-10 hours a week with only one break from new material; now it should be a good deal less per week with more breaks and additional processing time.)
Why can I only sign up this week? Why can’t I do it on my own later?
This is a live group, not a course, and it’s structured that way for a reason. Have you ever bought or signed up for an on-your-own thing and then never gotten past the first week? Yeah, me too. I’ve got an email folder full of those things. Fitness Unraveled is designed differently so you can have an ongoing, real-time community, so you don’t have to do this really difficult work alone, so you have a built-in accountability team, and so you have me as a live partner all along the way. In order to facilitate all that goodness, I have to choose a timeline, and that timeline is August 31 through December 31. That being said, many participants do participate live and continue some of the work on their own after the live coaching part of the group finishes up, because life happens. You’ve got lots of freedom, but you do have to opt in this week. There’s no self-paced option.
Wow. This sounds so good, but I’m still not totally sure I’m ready for this. Help?
K, this is kind of the same answer as #1 up there – I’d never pressure you into something you weren’t ready for. But I will say this: if you wait till you’re totally ready, totally sure, the totally right time, you’ll wait proooooobably forever. Big, meaningful, life-changing decisions often entail trust that you’re ready enough.
You can find a bunch more frequently asked questions and answers right here.
And if you have something specific in mind, please, do not hesitate to email me and ask me. Don’t keep it to yourself and pass this up because you felt silly reaching out, OK? About half the people in the last group reached out with very personal and vulnerable questions and concerns, we talked through them, they joined, and they had an incredible experience.
So seriously, if you can’t stop thinking about it, hit reply and get your throbbing Fitness Unraveled questions answered.
If you have no further questions? Grab your spot.
If you want to learn a little more about what this program is all about and how it can show up and change your life, everywhere? Sign up for email updates here.