Hey, and hopefully happy Friday to you.
It’s late in the day and I’m sure you’re feeling ready to peace out and get a break, so I’ll keep this short.
I was texting back and forth with a friend today, really just letting her know I was thinking of her because she’s got a big gala coming up tonight. I wished her well and told her I hoped she’d be able to relax a little bit and have some fun. To which, of course, she guffawed, because HOW CAN YOU RELAX ON THE DAY OF?!?! and we shared a laugh.
A half-hour or so later, I got another text from her:

My heart swelled up. These are the people and the moments that just make life so full.
I screenshotted the message immediately so I can always have this kind of reminder of all the good stuff and people in my life, especially in the moments when I forget. And then, I realized, I had been doing this for years. I quickly scrolled through my photos and smiled at a couple other choice reminders:

(Yes, I save husband texts. Hi, he’s my favorite of all!)

Do you do this? If you don’t, I highly recommend you start it as a practice. Take note when people pay you compliments. Accept them and say thank you. You are allowed to feel confident in yourself and the difference you’re making in the lives of others.
In case you haven’t received a message like this yet today:
You’re so radiant this afternoon. I know maybe you feel a little tired, but I want you to know you’re incredible. Strong and beautiful. Honestly. In all the ways. I don’t even feel awkward telling you how happy I am you’re in my life, and how grateful I am for you. I mean it so much. And I’m positive that all the rest of the people in your life feel the same way, even if they don’t always take the time to tell you. But I hope they do tell you, and often. Thanks for being who you are.
Screenshot that.
And then send a message to someone else and tell them what you need to tell them.
Be the person, share the moments that make all of our lives full.
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