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      How to focus on the right feedback and let go of the rest.

      focus on the right feedback | kourtney thomas life coach

      It can be SO HARD not to focus on negative feedback.

      Sometimes it feels like a personal attack, or the only thing that matters, even when you know this ONE PERSON (or one thing, or one rating, or one whatever) shouldn’t matter. Sometimes, it’s just not that easy to disconnect.

      Believe me, I am intimately familiar with this challenge.

      I am historically not exactly great at receiving and allowing feedback – especially negative feedback. But, over time, I’ve learned. First of all, I’ve learned it’s the best thing to allow into my life to push me to further personal and professional growth. But also, I’ve learned how to actually deal with feedback, namely – focusing on the right feedback, and letting go of the rest.

      But how do you do it? How do you focus on your cat people?

      Well, you practice. But specifically, I’ve got 5 tips to make it easier to focus on what really matters – the work, the people who get it, and doing what you do best – regardless of feedback.

      Check it out and let me know what you think!

      Have you ever struggled with dealing with negative feedback and people who don’t get it? Do you have any other tips for focusing on what matters?

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